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Privacy Policy does not collect any information. The only area where information is gathered is during the order process. is committed to patient privacy and security. All information provided is legally protected under the doctor-patient privilege laws.

Customer Privacy

We do not store customer information online. All your information we collect will be transferred to US licensed Doctors, US licensed pharmacists, and US licensed pharmacies.


The information contained in the websites is intended as an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by medical professionals. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before taking any prescription or over the counter drugs (including any herbal medicines or supplements) or following any treatment or regimen. Only your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for you.

The use of the Information is at your sole risk. These products are provided ‘AS IS’ and ‘as available’ for use, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. This website make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of any of the information contained in the products. Additionally, This website MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE OPINIONS OR OTHER SERVICE OR DATA YOU MAY ACCESS, DOWNLOAD OR USE AS A RESULT OF USE OF THE HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS. This website does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the this website.

This drug information is for your information purposes only, it is not intended that this information covers all uses, directions, drug interactions, precautions, or adverse effects of your medication. This is only general information, and should not be relied on for any purpose. It should not be construed as containing specific instructions for any particular patient.

We disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of this information, and/or any consequences arising from the use of this information, including damage or adverse consequences to persons or property, however such damages or consequences arise. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made in regards to this information.

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