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What can the emergency room do to help my migraine headaches ?

What can the emergency room do to help my migraine headaches ?
I feel so bad i have migraine headaches and it hurts so bad and i feel like i want to throw up, i couldn’t even go to school. My parents thinking of taking me into the emergency room for my migraines. What can they do to help me ? Are they going to hospitalized me ? I’m scared please help me !

Best answer:

Answer by coolmomma
Hello, I hate to say this but they can do nothing. U need to see a neurologist to get mecication for the migraines. I know i had to do it myself.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. ItaLiaN StalliaN

    usually nothing except maybe have the doctor refer you to a specialist. most of the time they’ll give you a happy pill and send you on your way…… hope this helps

  2. Aulynnr

    They will probably give you some meds for pain and refer you to a neuro doc, which is a good thing so they can rule out any major stuff. Then you can get to the bottom of the reasons for your h/a’s and get treatment.

  3. geoffhinz

    It sounds like this is your first migraine? Never been diagnosed before?The ER will likely *not* keep you in-patient for very long unless they find your headache is triggered by something more than the mystery of “migraine” like a brain tumor, cyst, clot, that sort of thing. Most likely they’ll give you a shot of some kind of triptan like Imitrex (, some form of anti-inflammatory/NSAID, possibly a narcotic like morphine, and/or an anti-anxiety drug or muscle relaxant. It all depends on the doctor and their initial review of your particular situation.

    I would recommend that after your ER visit, you see your regular doctor for an rx of some Epidrin ( and to keep it with you at all times so you can take it when needed. It’s a pain reliever, muscle relaxant, and vein constrictor all in one.

    Good luck..

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